On Tuesday 28 March 2006 16:20, Tiago Gusmão wrote:
> Hi
> I'm trying to use particles (there was an older thread),
> basically they're working, but they're attached to the
> aircraft, which makes them not very useful.
> Here are a few screenshots:
> http://gusmao.home.sapo.pt/p1.jpg
> http://gusmao.home.sapo.pt/p2.jpg
> http://gusmao.home.sapo.pt/p3.jpg
> if i roll the aircraft, the particles will rotate along, and
> so on.
> I mailed Luca Masera (he developed particles in the past) and
> he has a different approach, He attaches the particle system
> to the scene root and modified the particle system so the
> emmiter moves with the aircraft, but not the referential.
> A few screenshots of his work:
> http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/vmeazza/FlightGear/snapshot%20-%201
> http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/vmeazza/FlightGear/snapshot%20-%202
> Unfortunately it seems his code is lost.
> But it had a problem, when the aircraft switched tiles, the
> referential was no longer valid. I'm thinking maybe this
> problem could be solved by calculating an equivalent
> referential when the tile changes. This is currently the big
> problem, and suggestions are welcome.
> I also think it would be nice to have the particle systems
> available as animations and that's my current approach but
> alternatives are welcome.
> Cheers,
> Tiago

Hi Tiago,

I can't offer any practical help or advice but a working particle 
system for FG would be great and could be useful in many areas.

I hope you stick with it and work something out :)


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