
Flightgear at Scale this year will be either the OSG version or 0.9.11.  
We're trying to negotiate for a bit more space and power to set up three 
large scale screens.

Curt posted a notice to the upcoming events regards the show.

Joysticks?  We don't need no stickin' joysticks ;-)  The show this year 
will feature a full set of flight controls with control loading and 
fully trimmable axes .  Pics are on the project page.  Control inputs 
will be with high precision multi-turn pots that feed an analog signal 
to an A/D board that provides a 12 bit precision digital value with a 
sampling rate of 100kHz.  Based on estimated control travel limits, pot 
precision, and scaling colum and yoke movements on the order of 0.02 
degrees in pitch and roll can be sensed.  This also required some large 
gearing ratios to achieve sufficient pot travel. (See pic on project page)

 For control loading we use Q and g to stiffen the controls in pitch, 
ailerons will be a fixed force.  Making the system portable and keeping 
costs down was a real challenge.  I'll be sending Curt some pics on the 
progress of the effort that we'll throw up on the 747 project page.

As a side note, we'll have an internet connection for MP access. 
Unfortunately, the show hours, based on PST, are not the best for all of 
you located across the Atlantic.  But if there are a few brave night 
owls or early risers, come and join us at LAX and or KSFO.


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