Seems maybe Fabien's the one to ask about the original line;
        (boning up on my svn skillz):

  6235     fabien #if !defined(WIN32) || defined(CYGWIN)
  6235     fabien #warning FIXME This needs to be UTF aware now
  6235     fabien #endif

        Fabien, if your watching, does the below sound right to you?

        If so, we should probably bracket all the #warning's this way
        to avoid problems compiling 1.3.x across the platform spectrum.

        (I should add, I don't have cygwin, but I do have VS.)

> Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
>> [..]
>> (1) WIN32 is also defined when compiling with gcc under Windows. If we
>> want to exclude the MS VC compilers, as discussed in the STR, then
>> the correct macro would probably be _MSC_VER instead of WIN32.
>> (2) CYGWIN is wrong as well. If used, then it must read __CYGWIN__.
>> But if we change (1), then we don't need __CYGWIN__, thus the correct
>> solution would be:
>>      #if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(sgi)
>>      #warning FIXME This needs to be UTF aware now
>>      #endif
>> This looks much easier and reflects _compilers_ and not platform
>> dependencies.
>> I'm not 100% sure that "_MSC_VER" is the correct name, but I'm sure
>> that WIN32 would be wrong.

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