Hello Everybody,

I've just discovered this new tool and I find it great!
I would like to use it to refactor an existing project of which I'm
not completely happy.
This project has been made with AndroMDA, a tool that left me quite

By the way, my two cents about MDA in general: everybody's striving to
bridge the gap between object model and relational model, and maybe
its not a great idea to bring directly inside the heart of development
still another model, that is UML. Too rough a judgement? maybe, but
that's not the place for being smart...

My concern about Fluent NHibernate is that I don't know which level of
support it's being given by the NHibernate developing community, and
even if I like very much the idea behind it, I don't know if I feel
safe including such a tool in a mission-critical project.

Having said that, I like the source code of Fluent NHibernate very
much: and if one thinks about it, that's hardly surprising, since from
a project whose aim is, among others, to make NHibernate programming
look more beautiful, it's logical to expect beautiful source code.

For this reason, even if the code is not very commented (that's also a
defect of mine), still it's very expressive and readily
understandable. So my best compliments to the contributors!

While I decide whether to include this tool in my beloved project, I'm
playing a bit with it and I'm examining the source code. Here I think
I've found a small bug/nonDesirableFeature.

Could anybody tell me where I can signal it and maybe contribute with
a small patch?

I would also appreciate anybody's sharing his/her thoughts about
Fluent with a newbie like me!
Bye everybody and enjoy!

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