hello all,

just wanted to update you and give the heads up on a really great series of 
events coming up in 2 weeks:


if any of you will be there, let me know--and email me or give me your cell 
number, so we can meet up at the festival--it will be my first time there (i 
will be one of the judges for the int'l competition for video + short film), 
so i'm excited to meet some new--and also familiar--
 faces ^_* off-list and in physical space!!!

it's the 48th int'l short film + video festival, in oberhausen germany (near 
there will be screenings of videos, short films, music videos from int'l pool 
of artists, plus there will be music, parties, dj'ing with DJ Spooky--that 
subliminal kid--who is in charge of the music this year...(!)

the special program will be "Catastrophe", (Curated by: Florian Wüst), and 
includes videos + films by :

  --Marina Grzinic, Aina Smid (curated by Ursula
  --Valie Export, Jonas Mekas, Tony Oursler, Sonic
-curated by Keith Sanborn) 
  --Adbusters, Doug Aitken,Knut Asdam, Christoph
Draeger, Harun Farocki, George Lucas, Kristin Lucas, Ridley Scott (Curated 
by: Florian Wüst) 

[there is also a special--and this i am really
interested to see]:

   **Presentation and film screening by the
architects: MVRDV ** 

With videos Meta City/DataTown (1999), Pig City
(2001), and others.

Also there is special screening of Yugoslavian film maker Zelimir Zilnik 
whose films appear like a mirror of the political injustice and social plight 
plaguing day-to-day life in the Balkans.

And i am also really interested in how popular
culture, music creation, image making fuses and is
re-presented in the --Int'l Music Video competition--, with some cutting edge 
music videos, using digital imaging + software from places like China, 
Mexico, Iceland, France, Great Britain, USA, etc.

so again, if any one of you will be there, please
contact me, and say "hello" !!!!



Title: oberhausen_updates

The 48th International Short Film & Video Festival
(Oberhausen, Germany)
May 2-7, 2002


Featuring The Third Eye Foundation (UK) and DJ Spooky that Subliminal Kid (USA).
Directly from London and New York: Matt Elliott, also known as The Third Eye Foundation, who created the music for last year's award-winning Music Video Clip "What Is It With You", and Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky that Subliminal Kid who put everybody in a spirited mood in the festival lounge and who caused a sensation presenting his sound-video performance in the festival cinema last year. This year they they are both in charge of the music at the short film festival's party.


In 2002, the special program will be "Catastrophe", (Curated by: Florian Wüst) and will examine images of catastrophe and how images regulate the ambivalence between attraction and fear. The program will examine media representations of catastrophes, their fabrication for political purposes as well as stories of disasters. War, eco-disaster, terror, states of emergency or personal catastrophes such as traumata, social blunders or simply missing the person you love: "Catastrophe" will present individual survival strategies as well as utopian and dystopian visions of the future:

Marina Grzinic, Aina Smid (curated by Ursula Biemann)
Valie Export, Jonas Mekas, Tony Oursler, Sonic Youth
(curated by Keith Sanborn)
Adbusters, Doug Aitken,Knut Asdam, Christoph Draeger, Harun Farocki,
George Lucas, Kristin Lucas, Ridley Scott (Curated by: Florian Wüst)

**Presentation and film screening by MVRDV **
With videos Meta City/DataTown (1999), Pig City (2001), and others.

Special Program: Specials: Zelimir Zilnik and Karpo Godina:
The Fight to Film:
Zelimir Zilnik's films appear like a mirror of the political injustice and social plight plaguing day-to-day life in the Balkans, a reality too often denied by officialdom. But Zilnik dared to show us the true situation, in uncompromisingly authentic images and uninhibited by any fear of political reprisals. Frequently forced to fight against censorship and the banning of his films, Zilnik is one of the few Yugoslavian directors who have been able to preserve their independence in the face of ever-changing political regimes, and despite the recurring problems of minimal budgets and political restrictions.

MuVi International --Int'l Music Video program
For the fourth time the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen presents a program with a selection of trend-setting international music videos from 2000-2002. Taking account of the differences in aesthetic approaches and formal language and regarding thematic tendencies, the program was divided into four theme blocks: Double, Family Life, Dialysis & Mutation, Agit P(r)op.

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