this will be the final tweak to the project.  hopefully it will trim things down and be more precise in description.
non-direct recording: play a song. place recorder/recorder and microphone somewhere to pick up the song playing.  let the song finish and stop recording.  send recording to me.
variable: distance of recorder from the song being played.
direct recording: play a song.  record song.  have needed connections made for what type of device you are using to record, or if dual-cassette then A-deck to B-deck.  send recording to me.
variable: setting a level (if technically possible).
for a later addition to this project, we can discuss various manipulations you would like to perform. 
don't forget the theoretical part of this.  include with your submission a piece on how/what/why this could be considered a cover or remix.  theorize heavily and in-depth.
thanks again,

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