In the email today...from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

EUROPE is our reality:
  • a population of 373 millions persons
  • a budget approximately of 97 billion euro per year
  • many interventions tools in specifics fields like culture, audio-visual, education, training, employment, regional policies, research and developement,.
  • a specific European administration's rules and informations
"Arts and Culture" are very important in Europe and international cooperations are promote.

We created
ADIE-Culture: the first specific European newspaper on line to inform professionnals of Arts and Culture about the European news and ways to obtain supports for your European partnerships and projects. ADIE-Culture is a mean to understand European mechanisms.

ADIE-Culture is also a world network including 26 countries and more than 47 cultural and arts organisations.

Come to see our website : (in french and in english) and it's @Flash Europe - Culture
and do not hesitate to comment or question us.

You are
welcome ! !


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