Dear Dr John

Many thanks for this great review!  Wonderful to read this. 

onwo/ards!!!!! david-bc

>From: "John M. Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: FLUXLIST: Cervena Barva Press August Newsletter
>Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2005 07:58:31 -0400
>Gloria Mindock, Editor   Issue No. 1   July, 2005
>Welcome to the second newsletter of the press. The purpose of this
>newsletter is to share events, readings, interviews, books of
>interests, theatre productions, and whatever else is going on of
>interest. It is completely open for anyone to submit to.
>Postcard Series: One update
>Due to the high cost of printing, the price of the postcards has
>changed, please check the website. The postcards will be available
>in mid-August.
>Raves for Nave Gallery in Somerville, MA. Their Sound Vision/ Vision
>Sound 111 International Exhibition and Festival of Verbo -Visual
>Artwork and Performances were wonderful. I attended the performance
>on July 15th and was struck by the artwork, the intimate space, and
>the cozy atmosphere of the gallery. I went to see John M. Bennett
>and Be Blank Consort perform. I also wanted to meet John because for
>years I've been reading his work which I love. Be Blank Consort
>performed many pieces which took on language in a new way. Many of
>the poems were spoken simultaneously with performers speaking
>different text. It gave a chorus effect. I found myself listening to
>some text but then my attention would go to another person and what
>they were saying. The rhythm and structure of the text allowed the
>listener to make their own meaning at times. The pieces that really
>stood out for me were Lungs, P piece, and a brilliant performance
>and delivery of The Peel Peeled. This last piece was !
>  performed in three different languages at the same time. The
>timing and delivery of all the work was well crafted. Be Blank
>Consort knew exactly what they were doing. Other members of the
>group that performed were K.S.Ernst, Scott Helmes and Michael
>Basinski. All of the performers were wonderful. I just loved it! I
>wondered if they put any of their pieces together like John Cage
>used to do. That is throwing up notes in the air and putting them
>together in random order. Years ago, I saw a special on PBS on John
>Cage. Richard Kostelanetz, a language poet, spoke about him on this
>special. I considered everyone that night performing to be language
>poets. The text was not only important on the delivery but also how
>it looked on the page. I cannot rave enough about this group.
>BuffFluxus was the next to perform, the performance group was
>established in 1956 when they first performed on the Ed Sullivan
>show. They were great. They also experimented with language, text,
>and delivery. They consisted of members Michael Basinski, Doug
>Manson, Matt Chambers and Karen Yocobucci. They did a Poem
>Improvise, in which a box of pants/shorts were emptied out onto the
>floor. They called them John M. Bennett's pants. They put them on
>and audience members could do the same if they wanted to. Another
>piece they did I'll call Oh Shit. In this, they said the phrase in
>as many different ways that one possibly could. It was hysterical. I
>laughed quite a bit over this one. I am not sure if that was the
>actual name so forgive if it's wrong. Also the audience took part in
>the beginning of one piece where they were asked questions. These
>performers were just wonderful. Their delivery and pieces performed
>added another layer of text performance art into the night.
>The last group consisted of three performers, Chris Fritton, William
>R. Howe and Lisa Phillips. It started with a huge blank piece of
>white paper on the floor. On the sides of the paper were ink pads.
>The performers stepped on them and walked on the paper. Different
>letters came out onto the paper. While doing this they made sounds.
>The whole experience was fascinating to watch. Visually watching
>printing and listening to sounds were again showing the audience
>members the different way text and printing can affect us. It was
>like watching an installation piece coming to life. Also the ink on
>paper came off their shoes with different texture which added depth
>to the piece. All this layering by all performers gives us a new
>insight to how important language and text is. Why not take it to
>new levels? Everyone here definitely did that.
>William R. Howe who is Curator of the gallery put together a
>wonderful and I do mean a wonderful exhibition and performances. It
>took such work on his part. What a show to put together. His
>Assistant Curators, Chris Fritton and Lisa Phillips are to be
>commended for their huge part also. It was a great night of visual,
>sound, text/language and performance art put together.
>Raves to Nico Vassilakis and the screening of his shorts. Visually
>beautiful to watch. He is a brilliant writer so this was really neat
>for me to see.
>The exhibition at the Nave Gallery is open until Aug. 6th. One can
>look forever at the exhibitions. Again, just visual stunning. Do see
>this if you're in the area. On a final note, everyone who I spoke to
>from performers to audience members, were just gems. Everyone was so
>nice and the performers were all genuinely interested in feedback
>from the show. I have Raves for them all, so Thank you.
>Dr. John M. Bennett
>Curator, Avant Writing Collection
>Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
>The Ohio State University Libraries
>1858 Neil Av Mall
>Columbus, OH 43210 USA
>(614) 292-3029

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