We had a bit of fun last weekend:


The large sized gentleman behind me in the boat is an old rowing buddy from our 
college days. He was still suffering from the after effects of a mild case of 
hypothermia, sustained during an endurance event in the UK the previous weekend 
(which, he claims, also affected his performance during the annual stair climb of the 
Empire State Building yesterday -- I think we're just getting old ...). I, of course, 
have no excuse whatsoever for poor technique :-(.

And no, this is not to be misconstrued as a clumsy attempt at a hidden Pouch sales 
pitch!! ;-)

I do however want to "pitch" the recent additions to the Amateur Folding Boat 
Builders' Corner though, for those of you who have not seen Volker Born's building 
report and pictures there! More's in the works.

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