[Announce]Dear Apache fop-users,
Stylus Studio 6 XML Enterprise Edition (an XML IDE) is now available for free trial download at: http://www.stylusstudio.com/xml_download.html. Here is a summary of some of the new features:
* Java Code Generation: Now you can generate code for your XQuery and XSLT stylesheets and deploy that code to a live production server or application. Stylus Studio captures the settings specified in the XQuery and XSLT scenarios – fully configurable, with your choice of XML processor, parameters, input/output files, and post processing options, for example – and reflects them in the generated Java code.
* Updated W3C XQuery Compliance:  Stylus Studio is the first XML IDE to fully support the W3C XQuery working draft of April 2005
* New XML Schema Tools:  EDI/EDIFACT to XML Schema conversion - Generate sample XML fragments from XML Schema components - Generate Java API for XML Binding (JAXB) code from XML Schema - Create XML Schema documentation with a familiar JavaDoc-like layout - XML Schema-based output validation of XSLT or XQuery transformations – these and many more usability enhancements further the Stylus Studio position as the most innovative tool for XML Schema data modeling.
* New File Explorer: The new File Explorer window provides a handy way for developers to manage their files in Stylus Studio and to perform other basic file-oriented operations (delete, copy, and rename, for example). You can also easily convert files by dragging the file you want to convert onto any user-defined built-in adapters. A new Auto-Backup feature optionally creates backup files of your documents when you save them.
* XML Diff Text View: The XML Diff Viewer has a third way to view differences in XML documents. In addition to the Split View - Tree tab and the Merged tab, you can now view two documents side-by-side in plain text on the Split View - Text tab.
* Canonical XML Converter: Render XML in its canonical form with a single mouse click – just one of the many new features in the Stylus Studio XML Editor.
You can download a free 30-day trial of Stylus Studio 6 XML Enterprise Edition at: http://www.stylusstudio.com/xml_download.html
The Stylus Studio Team


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