Re: Rightclick instead of middle click [54589]

2010-08-25 Tema obsahu Die Webwurst
Hello, thank you very much, naturally at all. That's, what i've searched, Ctrl (Strg in german) and space bar. I believe, that i have to find it self. Sometimes, you don't see the simpliest things. Thanks again, Andreas :-)) --,54582,54589 PSPad freeware editor

Items on Toolbar [54590]

2010-08-25 Tema obsahu se7h
Rearranged the items on the Toolbar, but after restart PSPad items are arranged by default, how to fix it? --,54590,54590 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Autorefresh code explorer [54591]

2010-08-25 Tema obsahu webdis
+1 Autorefresh for Code Explorer would be very useful Regards, Mike --,43546,54591 PSPad freeware editor

Re: And again about Code Folding... [54592]

2010-08-25 Tema obsahu webdis
Very Sorrowfully but Jan will make it possible someday myself Regards, Mike --,54544,54592 PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.5 (2395) English [54593]

2010-08-25 Tema obsahu khagaroth
Actually I get the opposite, it tries to convince me a file changed even though it actually didn't. This happens any time I open (RO) an edited file in an external viewer (for example html in Firefox). Could be a W7 quirk, but annoying as hell. --,54269,54593

using pspad with svncmd.vbs [54594]

2010-08-25 Tema obsahu bamboo123
Hi, I am trying to integrate subversion with pspad by using svncmd.vbs script, but I get getting this error: File name or class name not found during Automation operation:'text'. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks, Tommy --,54594,54594 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Sbalení fce v PHP (i jiných) [54595]

2010-08-25 Tema obsahu schon
Navrhuju se slozit a financne motivovat autora, aby to tam doprogramoval. Mylsim, ze se snad nenajde programator, ktery by to s chuti nevyuzil. Je sposuta veci, ktera se da ozelet, ale tohle je pro citelnost kodu zasadni. idealni by bylo pokud by slo nejak definovat co vsechno pujde sbalit nejen

Re: Sbalení fce v PHP (i jiných) [54596]

2010-08-25 Tema obsahu Pavel Kodýtek
Hi all, prosím tě, četl jsi vůbec ten příspěvek na který jsi reagoval, A četl jsi ten příspěvek, který v něm byl odkazovaný? Ano, určitě by se to hodilo každému, ale zatím to nejde... 26. srpna 2010, 3:09:01, schon napsal(a): s Takze kdo se prida? A co na to autor? Nebo se jedna o