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2024-05-02 Tema obsahu Lukáš Kříž
Tento problém mám už strašně dlouho, snad už od verze 3.. Nikdy se mi nepodařilo identifikovat co to přesně dělá, ale mám podezření na nahrazování s regulárními výrazy u větších zdrojových kódů, tak aspoň 1000 řádků. Prostě to někde náhodně přepíše mezery a nějaké slovo na takovýto nebo podobný

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2024-04-22 Tema obsahu rseibel
This error exists since all versions after 5.0.4 (543) 32 bit. Because there nothing happens, i changed to Rj TexEd last year. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2024-04-21 Tema obsahu khagaroth
That doesn't really matter. This bug was there long before the 64bit version even existed. This bug is probably already older than some of the users. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

[no subject]

2024-04-16 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
64b edition is experimental -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2024-04-16 Tema obsahu rem17
Good day! Unfortunately, this bug has retured. I'm using version 5.0.7 (775) in the 64bit edition. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2024-04-13 Tema obsahu TheHCGInstitute

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2024-02-10 Tema obsahu LouCypher
Yes, that's also my experience: The problem is not related to editing in any way. If the problem occurs it appears right after openening a file without doing anything else. And it doesn't seem to be related to specific file types. I've seen it with C/C++, Java, Perl and Python. But it seems to

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2024-02-07 Tema obsahu macekt
After more occurrences of strange characters, I can summarize for myself: - it occurs completely randomly (it is enough to edit one character in the file and damage will occur) - it's not related to the clipboard (I won't use it in the file and it will get corrupted anyway) - in my case it only

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2024-01-16 Tema obsahu ieee
I think may be related to the fact that copy/paste from other programs or directly in PSPad may not be always working on "Extended Grapheme Clusters" as it should be done. Sometimes they get broken. This is must to read for people who works in UTF8 https://tonsky.me/blog/unicode/ And even my

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2024-01-16 Tema obsahu macekt
version 5.5.1 (812) - the error still remains. It just appears in new places in my case. The last case was when the text was overwritten right on the first line - begin of php file: https://forum.pspad.com/read.php?4,76932,78783> PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2024-01-04 Tema obsahu kriv

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2023-12-21 Tema obsahu macekt
Unfortunately, I have to report that the error is also in the latest version of PSPad (32 bit). I've only noticed it a few times since the update, but its occurrence is really very random - sometimes it happens twice a day, other times it's quiet for a week. I'm happy to help with further testing

[no subject]

2023-12-11 Tema obsahu szs
Bohužel, včera jsem také aktualizoval na 5.5.1 (812) a dnes tam mám tu chybu znovu. Tentokrát v řádku, kde je jen pár mezer a začátek závorky "{". (viz https://app.ssc.avcr.cz/pspad-chyba-y2.jpg ) -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2023-12-08 Tema obsahu macekt
Zkusil jsem predevcirem na domacim PC nasadit 5.5.1 (812) a za dva dny bez vyskytu problemovych znaku. Ted jsem aktualizoval i na pracovnim pc kde je pouzivani PSPadu intenzivnejsi, tak uvidime jestli chybu zreplikuji (pozapinal jsem zpet vsechny veci kter jsme predtim pri hledani vypinali) --

[no subject]

2023-12-06 Tema obsahu LouCypher
Well, this was what I would do when the bug cannot be reliably reproduced and debugged: Dig through the forum, find out when the bug was reported the very first time and investigate the version control system or if this doesn't exist hopefully existing backups what was changed compared to the

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2023-12-05 Tema obsahu khagaroth
I don't have much hope for a fix, after all, this bug is there since cca 2016/2017. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2023-11-30 Tema obsahu macekt

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2023-11-30 Tema obsahu szs

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2023-11-27 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Tak ještě můžeme zkusit příští build z nové verze Delphi. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2023-11-27 Tema obsahu macekt
Tak mám další chybu i s vypnutým code foldingem - asi jej můžeme vyloučit. Jen to bylo v této chvíli maličko jiná chyba - ten Y se dvěma tečkami se objevil tentokrát až na dalším řádku - TAB+} zůstal nezměněn a znak se objevil až na dalším řádku který byl původně prázdný. A také v tomto případě

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2023-11-27 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
macekt: Ještě nápad zda problém nemůže souviset s funkcí, která v kódu označuje modifikované řádky. Nevybavuji si zda jsem toto zapínal sám nebo to vzniklo po nějaké aktualizaci - přijde mi že se toto objevilo

[no subject]

2023-11-26 Tema obsahu macekt
Ještě nápad zda problém nemůže souviset s funkcí, která v kódu označuje modifikované řádky. Nevybavuji si zda jsem toto zapínal sám nebo to vzniklo po nějaké aktualizaci - přijde mi že se toto objevilo realtivně nedávno. Myslím toto: (viz https://demo1.kostax.cz/!temp/pspad4.png ) --

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2023-11-26 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Na vině by mohla být práce se schránkou, ne nutně kopírování z externího zdroje. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2023-11-26 Tema obsahu macekt
Code folding vypnutý a jdu pracovat - uvidíme zda se problém objeví znovu. Pokud to způsobuje kopírování ze schránky tak to bude z mé strany neodhalitelné - kopíruji totiž dost často. Ale je pravdou že v naprosté většině případů vykrádám sám sebe a beru kód z jiných otevřených PHP souborů nebo z

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2023-11-26 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Few suspicious areas to be investigated. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2023-11-26 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
LouCypher: Since I'm still very interested in the development regarding this nasty problem it would be very helpful if someone could give a short summary of the last czech posts. It would be very great if there are

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2023-11-26 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
OK. Takže zvýraznění závorek nepomohlo. Bylo by možné vypnout Code folding? Je to take v nastavení programu. Podezření na vkládání ze schránky? -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2023-11-25 Tema obsahu LouCypher
Since I'm still very interested in the development regarding this nasty problem it would be very helpful if someone could give a short summary of the last czech posts. It would be very great if there are new insights ;-) -- PSPad freeware editor

[no subject]

2023-11-24 Tema obsahu macekt
Tak špatná zpráva - chyba se projevila znovu i přes vypnutí zvýrazňování závorek,... Aktuální nastavení je toto: (viz http://demo1.kostax.cz/!temp/pspad3.png ) Pokud máte nějaký další tip co vypnout/otestovat, rád to udělám. -- PSPad freeware

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2023-11-23 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Doporucuji jit do nastavení zvýrazňovačů a pokud je ve filtrech pro C# přípona .css, tak ji odsud vyhodit a nechat ji u CSS -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2023-11-23 Tema obsahu macekt

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2023-11-23 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Je to PHP, ale je zapnuty HTML/XHTML multizvyraznovac a ten interne pro PHP pouzije PHP zvyraznovac. Uvidime, jestli k tomu bude dochazet i pri vypnutem zvyraznovani zavorek. Tim bychom meli urcit, kde je problem. -- PSPad freeware editor

[no subject]

2023-11-23 Tema obsahu macekt
V souboru ze ktereho byl screenshot jsou pouzity mezery. Pspad mam nastaven tak ze maze mezery na konci radku - ted se divam zpetne do tech souboru ze screenshotu a jak za zavorkou tak i za chybnymi znaky je vzdy hned enter. Zvyraznovac parovych zavorek jsem ted vypnul (Chytre vkladani parovych

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2023-11-23 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Vypadá to, že jde většinou o zavírací závorku, která je samostatně na řádku v PHP zvýrazňovači. Jsou použity tabulátory nebo mezery? Za závorkou je nějaká mezera nebo je to poslední znak na řádku? Mohl bych poprosit o otestování, jestli to dělá i v případě, že je vypnuté v nastavení programu /

[no subject]

2023-11-23 Tema obsahu macekt
Vzhledem k tomu že se mi chyba na domácím PC vyskytuje zřejmě častěji tak další poznámky (dnes se objevila za necelé dvě hodiny 2x): - na obrázku je vidět můj případ co se vždy stane. Na horní polovině je původní kód, na spodní je po chybě - vždy je to v mém případě řádek na kterém je jen TAB a

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2023-11-22 Tema obsahu macekt
Také bych rád pomohl odhalení této chyby taže připojím mé poznatky: - četnost chyby je ve všech verzích PSPadu stejná (32b, 64b, stabilní i vývojová) - není to vázané na OS (děje se to na Win7, 10, 11) - není to ani věc konfigurace PSPadu (začne to dělat hned i u nové instalace) - jediné co změním

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2023-11-16 Tema obsahu szs

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2023-11-16 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Opět potřebuju co nejvíc informací - typ souboru (PHP?) Odkud je soubor otevíraný (lokální, síť, PHP) Co se ještě používá z funkcí PSPadu? Třeba průzkumník kódu apod. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2023-11-16 Tema obsahu szs

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2023-07-03 Tema obsahu Pavel Vančák
is it that PSPad currently uses the Unicode editor instead of the old one fixed to one codepage? are all modules (templates, highlighters, etc.) ready not to convert the codepage to the system one back and forth? it seems like there is some place where it scrapes... -- Vany (PSPad

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2023-06-21 Tema obsahu Gorlash
heh... it won't *ever* get fixed... he's been beating his head against the walls for *years* over this bug, and doesn't have a clue... Check out RJTextEd instead; it has all the features of PsPad, and doesn't have this bug. -- PSPad freeware

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2023-06-12 Tema obsahu rseibel

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2023-05-25 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom
Hi, I just noticed this error using 5.5.1 (787) 32bit, Win 7, but unfortunately, I am not able to identify the exact step, where it appeared. In a bash file an original list of filenames was extended to lines using regular expression replacement - the original item "JT" should become:

[no subject]

2023-04-21 Tema obsahu srce
Ok, so combined with this bug (https://forum.pspad.com/read.php?4,78269,78278), it seems like 0x00ff is randomly being written to the heap. I know this isn't an open-source project, but as you can't reproduce the problem, Jan, I'd like offer to try and debug it for you, if you would be happy to

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2023-04-21 Tema obsahu guop

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2023-04-19 Tema obsahu srce

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2023-04-18 Tema obsahu srce

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2023-04-05 Tema obsahu rseibel
Yes 5.5.1 (783), 32b, but with all versions of the last years after version 5.0.4 (543) 32 bit -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2023-04-05 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
OK, it happened to you with the current developer version 551, right? -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2023-04-05 Tema obsahu rseibel
As i said before: in every version since approx. three years, stable and beta, only 32 bit. I dont use 64 bit because of other errors ... Regards, Roger -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2023-04-05 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Can you please confirm it happens in current developer version too? I made some changes in highlighter background what can have influence of it. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2023-04-04 Tema obsahu LouCypher
Well, it happens without editing something but it doesn't really happen without doing anything. It does happen when you switch from one tab to another. So at least the window content is refreshed to redisplay the file from the selected tab. --

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2023-04-04 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Or maybe problem in the highlighter implementation or... It's really hard to answer. But he mentioned that it happens to files on the background. This is strange. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2023-04-04 Tema obsahu LouCypher
I mentioned this before and it might be stupid. But the garbage data looks always very similar and reminds me vaguely to an accidentally injected BOM. Or maybe a misplaced character coding? -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2023-04-04 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Do you use current developer build? Do you have set any background activity like autosave? Can you send me yout PSPad.ini? -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2023-04-04 Tema obsahu rseibel

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2023-01-25 Tema obsahu lukasF-7
Zdravím Vás, tento problém mě trápí minimálně rok, napříč weby jsem řešil kolizní situace s menším či větším dopadem na spokojenost klienta. PSpad používám bezmála 10 let, bohužel tento problém mě nutí přejít k jinému editoru. (viz https://lukasf.cz/img/pspad-error.png ) --

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2023-01-19 Tema obsahu rseibel
I try every new beta (always 32 bit), but this errors never disappear. For me this is the most important point to use pspad further on. Some time ago i donated for this editor, i love it, but working with it gets more and more frustrating. I hope that you are able to have a special look into

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2022-12-08 Tema obsahu rseibel

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2022-12-08 Tema obsahu LouCypher
I know this. I just wanted to point to this option as a possible cause for the injected garbage data which you cannot reproduce. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2022-12-08 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
LouCypher: What about virtual space (work behind line endings)? This is more or less the only relevant option I remember to have changed from the default settings and I'm still having this annoying problem as well.

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2022-12-07 Tema obsahu LouCypher
What about virtual space (work behind line endings)? This is more or less the only relevant option I remember to have changed from the default settings and I'm still having this annoying problem as well. -- PSPad freeware editor

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2022-12-07 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Do you have any scenario what causes this problem at least from time to time? -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2022-12-07 Tema obsahu rseibel
Settings for all bracket and character completion functions 'off' does not help, same errors. But my user highlighter is 'only' other keywords, no spcecial functions, very simple (like COBOL ;-)) should be no difference to 'other' keywords. --

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2022-12-07 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
OK, it means User highlighter. It's enough for me. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2022-12-07 Tema obsahu rseibel
Thanks for your quick reply. I disabled this option an will test any changes. All other options rergarding brackets have been off previously. I use an own highlighter for a special database and programming language in the informix world. -- PSPad

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2022-12-07 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
I am trying to find a reason. Actually, I fixed much crashes reasons already. I use PSPad daily and this problem doesn't occurs for me, so it's hard to find anything. What highlighter do you use? Can you disable highlight matching brackets in the program settings / Editor? This is the biggest

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2022-12-07 Tema obsahu rseibel

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2022-08-17 Tema obsahu Ruud Baltissen

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2022-08-16 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Hello I am working on it, even slowly that I wanted. I think version 5.0.7 is much stable in compare to 5.0.6 -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2022-08-16 Tema obsahu rseibel
I would like to get some information, whether Jan is working on this problem. For me a fix is essential for using PSPad in the future. Because i still have to use 5.0.4 to get rid of these problems, i miss many new features ... So i hope there is some checks or refactoring going on ...

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2022-08-16 Tema obsahu Ruud Baltissen

Derek Carr fumbling dilemma incorporates turn into a biggest subject [77573= ]

2022-08-14 Tema obsahu XHgfghjh
The e book upon Derek Carr is obvious amongst NFL defensive coordinators sack him.At the time the Las Vegas Raidersquarterback is strike, there is a impressive probability he will cough up the ball. In accordance toward Josh Dubow of the Affiliated Drive, Carr includes fumbled 8 of the 17

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2022-06-02 Tema obsahu Mero
I've the same problem. (5.0.6 - 589) In my case I'm editing simple html files saves on my local hdd. As far as I can remember it's mostly corrupting a single "" in a line. I can't force this problem. It's happening randomly. -- PSPad freeware

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2022-05-09 Tema obsahu rseibel
I’ve reverted to version 5.0.4 (543) 32 bit, too. All newer versions are not usable for me at the moment, i'm very tired to find and correct all the special characters, often more than ten or twenty times a day. In addition to that, PSpad often crashes without error message and closes

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2022-05-04 Tema obsahu tmpad
LouCypher: 2.) It seems to be independant of loaded file types. It has been reported at least for C/C++, Basic and Jason code. 3.) It happens even without editing anything within a loaded file. 4.) It seems to occur

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2022-05-03 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
5.0.6 is unstable, I agree. If you want you can try 5.0.7 (available in the pspad developer forum). Use 32b version please. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2022-05-03 Tema obsahu Rusty
Thanks for your analysis of this problem. I’ve been using PSPad for years and have kept up with the updates. After updating to 5.0.6, PSPad became so unstable as to be unusable. Several times a day I’d get that rogue “ÿ” character often followed by other unwanted characters mysteriously

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2022-02-18 Tema obsahu tmtisfree

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2022-02-13 Tema obsahu rseibel
My fault, i misunderstood, a warning and preventing to save a faulty file is a good idea! -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2022-02-12 Tema obsahu Andreas Burg
LouCypher: I think Andreas had a temporary workaround in his mind until the problem is found and fixed Exactly ;-) --

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2022-02-11 Tema obsahu LouCypher

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2022-02-11 Tema obsahu rseibel
Thats not possible, because the former content (mostly one keyword) is destroyed ... -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2022-02-10 Tema obsahu Andreas Burg

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2022-02-10 Tema obsahu rseibel
@LouCypher: Thank you for this brief recapitulation of this severe bug. I totally agree to your conclusions, and i really hope that Jan is succeusfull in finding the reason. Because i am developing software in a special database oriented language i am unfortunaltely not able to help with Delphi

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2022-02-08 Tema obsahu LouCypher

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2022-02-07 Tema obsahu rseibel
The 64-bit version was always more unstable, so i stopped using 64-bit many months ago. -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2022-02-07 Tema obsahu rseibel
As i said: I am using the lates betas, 32b ... Thats in the moment version 5.0.7 (727) ... -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2022-02-07 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Do you use 5.0.7 (727) 32b version? -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2022-02-07 Tema obsahu rseibel
My above mentioned error gets worse amd worse. I have at least one corruption per hour. As i said, open files are corrupted while editing in another tab. When switching tabs, i find theese special characters mosty at special positions (at an 'if', 'else', 'end' an so on). This can't be a random

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2021-12-18 Tema obsahu tmtisfree

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2021-12-14 Tema obsahu rseibel
Please see my description: Persists up to 5.0.7 (717), 32 and 64 Bit. Regards -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2021-12-10 Tema obsahu wihatig467

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2021-12-10 Tema obsahu wihatig467

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2021-12-10 Tema obsahu wihatig467

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2021-12-10 Tema obsahu wihatig467

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2021-12-10 Tema obsahu wihatig467

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2021-12-10 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
This problem was mostly fixed in 5.0.7 builds - available in the developer forum -- PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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2021-12-10 Tema obsahu rseibel

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2021-12-06 Tema obsahu rseibel

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