Re: PSPad file handling [77188]

2022-02-07 Tema obsahu Oliver Priestly
wonderful -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: Validátor SVG [77187]

2022-02-07 Tema obsahu Pavel Vančák
no, mně teda v XML komentování kódu nějak nefunguje, tak jsem si ho dopsal -- Vany (PSPad 5.0.7 (727) x32, W10h/p x64 en/cs) PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (727) English [77186]

2022-02-07 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
dianeBerlus: Is there another easy way to solve this? (viz ) Yes, there is a way,

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (681) English [77185]

2022-02-07 Tema obsahu dianeBerlus
Is there any way for me that have no background in programming to solve this problem? (viz te-contractors ) -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (727) English [77184]

2022-02-07 Tema obsahu dianeBerlus
Is there another easy way to solve this? (viz ) -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: hledani v souborech - kodovani [77183]

2022-02-07 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Ted jsem zasekany v praci, takze to ceka ve fronte. UTF-8, UTF-16 se detekuje automaticky. Pokud nastavim natvrdo UTF-8 a soubor je ANSI, pak to mozna zpusobi problem. Tohle musim osetrit -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: hledani v souborech - kodovani [77182]

2022-02-07 Tema obsahu Pavel Vančák
myslíš, že by mohl pomoct autodetect? -- Vany (PSPad 5.0.7 (727) x32, W10h/p x64 en/cs) PSPad freeware editor

[no subject]

2022-02-07 Tema obsahu rseibel
The 64-bit version was always more unstable, so i stopped using 64-bit many months ago. -- PSPad freeware editor

[no subject]

2022-02-07 Tema obsahu rseibel
As i said: I am using the lates betas, 32b ... Thats in the moment version 5.0.7 (727) ... -- PSPad freeware editor

[no subject]

2022-02-07 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Do you use 5.0.7 (727) 32b version? -- PSPad freeware editor

[no subject]

2022-02-07 Tema obsahu rseibel
My above mentioned error gets worse amd worse. I have at least one corruption per hour. As i said, open files are corrupted while editing in another tab. When switching tabs, i find theese special characters mosty at special positions (at an 'if', 'else', 'end' an so on). This can't be a random