"A note from Veronica Colondam (CEO YCAB)" 
(Please scroll down to find the English version)

                                                        EMPAT Kasus HIV/AIDS di 
YADA Center WTC Serpong 


Makin tingginya jumlah pengidap HIV/AIDS di Indonesia, tanpa banyak diduga, 
juga terpantau dari data warga yang mengikuti konseling di Youth Against Drug 
Abuse (YADA) Center, WTC Serpong, Tangerang.  Dari 262 peserta konseling 
sukarela YADA Center selama Februari hingga April 2008, terdapat 4 orang 
pengidap HIV/AIDS, dengan seorang dari mereka telah meninggal. Juga terdata 107 
kasus seputar narkoba, dan kasus infeksi menular seksual (IMS) sebanyak 17 


Dari data usia,  sebanyak 50 persen (131 kasus) peserta konseling sukarela 
berasal dari rentang usia 15-18 tahun, dan 29 persen (75 kasus), pada rentang 
usia 19-24 tahun. Pojok Konseling YCAB di YADA Center WTC Serpong Tangerang, 
membuka praktek konseling setiap hari kecuali Jumat, mulai pukul 14.00 hingga 
18.00.  YADA Center WTC Serpong telah membuktikan diri sebagai salah satu 
center teraktif yang YCAB miliki dengan berbagai kemajuan pesat dalam 
program-program kampanye anti-narkoba serta konseling yang dijalankannya. 

                              Four HIV/AIDS Cases Were Found in YADA Center WTC 


The subtly-yet-ever-increasing rise of the number of HIV/AIDS infected people 
in Indonesia can be monitored from data we gathered from our counselees at 
Youth Against Drug Abuse (YADA) Center in WTC Serpong, Tangerang. Out of the 
262 people who voluntarily attended YADA Center's counseling sessions in the 
period of February - April 2008, we found four people who are infected by 
HIV/AIDS, with one fatality among them. We also found 107 drug related cases 
and 17 STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) cases.


If we classify these cases by age groups, then we would find that 50% of these 
counselees (131 cases) fall within the age range of 15-18 years old. Another 
29% (75 cases) were people from the age range of 19-24 years old. The 
Counseling Corner in YADA Center WTC Tangerang provides daily counseling 
sessions (except on Friday) from 14:00 to 18:00. YADA Center WTC Serpong has 
proved itself as one of YCAB's most active center; shown through the progress 
it has made with its drugs prevention campaign and counseling programs.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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