I was looking for a way to manipulate binary images already saved within
Fossil and have Scalable Vector Graphic ("svg") overlays so I could

I came across a Google project SVG-Edit and starting playing around with


Using URLs to the raw image from Fossil, I could import the image into the
SVG-edit session, then manipulate it and annotate.  Then I just copy the
<svg>...</svg> generated therein back into a page within fossil and voila:
what I had created within SVG-Edit now displays within fossil and can be
versioned.  Simply take the SVG out of a "Plain Text" view of a ticket
history and pop it into the SVG source window within SVG-Edit and you're
back up and running with an editing session.  A bit clumsy, but what
elegance to be able to have diagrams that mix binary format with svg and
have it all in a source-control environment.

I'm working on a project the recognizes music and transforms it into XML.
In order to describe a bug, one needs to have an image and be able to draw
on it to help focus the reader on where the optical mark recognition is
failing.  SVG-Edit really satisfies the need to document with images while
at the same time using an extended HTML5 <pre> tag I've been working on
that will reference portions of the code.

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