Hello everybody: (this is John Rouillard - rouilj)

I have a smaller laptop I use daily with FF 47.0 and chromium
50.0.2661. If I look at:


it is missing the "More..." menu item and I have a single row menu

If I look at the home page:


I get a two row menu. Downloads and More... wrap to the second line.
But they overlap the Home and Timeline entries. To reproduce, just
shrink the width of your browser window. I think there is a missing

  .mainmenu a { display: inline-block; }

in the style file. With that addition I get a double row mainmenu that
is a full double height, and the menu entries don't overlap anymore.


A. Noymous 8-)

                                -- rouilj
John Rouillard
My employers don't acknowledge my existence much less my opinions.
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