
Organization for GUADEC 2010 is well under way, with a great team doing
an amazing job! This is why the Board can already start thinking about
what will happen in 2011 :-)

We'd like to send a call for bids in the next few months, but before
doing so, we need to decide whether we want to co-locate GUADEC with
Akademy like we did in 2009 or not. As this decision will have a big
impact on how GUADEC 2011 will be, we believe it makes sense to see what
the community thinks about the topic, so we created a survey:

You might remember that we had a similar survey at the end of GCDS, and
we are considering the option of co-locating based on the results of
this previous survey. However, we think the opinion of contributors who
didn't attend GCDS (and therefore, might have not filled the survey)
matters too, hence the new survey.

This new survey is quite short (only a few questions) and it shouldn't
take more than 5 minutes to fill. So please take those 5 minutes and
fill it. We'll close the survey next week, on next Friday (January 29th;
I must admit I don't know if it will close when Friday starts or ends,
so please fill it before ;-)). Results will be published as soon as



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