With the recent additions to the Board in the last couple of months and
some job changes (including myself last week) since the elections last
year, we wanted to provide a quick update on current Board affiliations:

      * Brian Cameron (Oracle)
      * Jorge Castro (Canonical)
      * Paul Cutler (Novell)
      * Diego Escalante Urrelo (Igalia – Internship)[1]
      * Germán Póo-Caamaño (No affiliation)
      * Srinivasa Ragavan (Intel)[2]
      * Vincent Untz (Novell)

The Foundation Board election process started in May [3] last year – if
you haven’t renewed your Foundation membership or wish to become a
Foundation member now is a great time to apply [4] (and save the
Membership committee some work!)


[1] http://blogs.gnome.org/diegoe/2010/01/08/summer-plans/
[2] http://blogs.gnome.org/sragavan/2009/10/06/tough-day-today/
[4] http://foundation.gnome.org/membership/

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