
I just noticed that the Beyond Compare 3.2 public beta is available.
BC is probably the best file/folder comparison tool out there. The
v3.x version is available for Windows and Linux. It can compare data
files, Linux packages (.rpm, deb, tar.gz, tar.bz), images, source
code, binary .dfm files, version information inside .exe's etc.. This
tool is unbelievable and can even be used in scripts and do things
like sync folder, talk via SSH, SFTP. I've integrated BC with Midnight
Commander (linux console file manager) allowing me to easily select
files to compare via the F2 user menu. Nautilus (Gnome) and Window
Shell integration comes standard.

Public Beta

Beyond Compare homepage:

Best of all, it's written in Object Pascal! :-)  I'm not affiliated
with Scooter Software in any way, I just think Beyond Compare is an
extremely handy tool for any developer.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

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