Hi everyone,

One of our remote servers was not able to have FreeBSD installed by the
datacenter and I would like to correct that by using the mfsBSD image
method to install remotely. I've been trying to test this locally in a
virtual machine to make sure everything will go smoothly before doing
it on the actual server.

I created the mfsBSD image using the 8.2-RELEASE i386 ISO and wrote it
to the boot drive using dd as mentioned in the documentation which went
well with no errors, however the virtual machine hangs upon booting. It
gets as far as showing the FreeBSD boot loader menu and counting down,
but it just hangs after that. If I leave it running while hung a "BTX
halted" error will eventually come up (after about 20 minutes when
using 8.2; 8.1 immediately gives the BTX halted error).

I've tried this in all the major emulators (qemu, VirtualBox, and
VMWare) to hopefully rule out any one of them causing an issue.

Booting the created mfsBSD image directly works with no issues, it's
just after writing it over the Linux install using dd that it does not
boot properly. 

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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