On Mon, Dec 23, 2002 at 03:47:58AM -0800, Kevin Stevens wrote:
> In the last week I've gotten two kernel panics with reboot while 
> compiling.  The log message says:
> kernel log messages:
>  refused
> panic: lockmgr: locking against myself
> Then it politely syncs disks and helpfully reboots.  Any help with what 
> a lockmgr is or why it is so unhappy?

That's a kernel internal function: it's probably something like the
kernel locking a device for exclusive access from a particular source,
and then finding that it's actually locked out the bit that was
requesting the lock.

That shouldn't happen.  However, without a whole lot more information,
there's no way anyone can tell you what exactly has gone wrong or even
how to fix it.  Take a look at these articles for instructions on how
to interact meaningfully with the kernel developers:




Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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