If I move my mouse slowly the pointer doesn't move.  It moves ok for
faster movements but it's impossible to accurately point at something.
(no problem with the same hardware under win2k)

I tried setting the report rate with:
# moused -F 1000 -p /dev/psm0

I tried -F 1 too, but neither made any difference so I presume the
device doesn't support different report rates.  I don't think any
other moused flags would help, but I'll try any recommendation.

# moused -i all -p /dev/psm0
/dev/psm0 ps/2 sysmouse IntelliMouse Explorer

# dmesg | grep psm0
psm0: <PS/2 Mouse> irq 12 on atkbdc0
psm0: model IntelliMouse Explorer, device ID 4

FreeBSD-6.0 Release.

Anyone seen the same problem and fixed it?

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