
I am pretty new to FreeBSD, but experienced in Linux. Currently, I am
running a fresh FreeBSD 8.0 on my netbook. I want to use it as a stable
platform for my sailing computing needs.

But.. I have to use Windows navigation software in conjunction with a GPS
mouse via USB, and another USB serial device (a NMEA multiplexer).

So far no luck. I have a USB mouse with a profilic chip. Works fine with
gpsd, gpsmon etc. It fixes, it displays my location etc.

Next step: Wine. I created a link in .wine/dosdevices from /dev/cuaU0 to
com5 (just chose one comX).

It does not work. I also added the comports to the system.reg, and now I
have these comports in my windows app. However, I cannot connect to this

Anyone any suggestions on this issue? I did a lot of Google... but did not
find anything usefull beyond this point. Seems this works on Linux with
Wine, but no clues for getting this working in FreeBSD.

Any help greatly appreciated! Lost here...

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