
I need help about ATM support on FreeBSD 6. The configuration was working on 
FreeBSD 5 Stable but was not working 6 stable. I have FORE PCA-200E ATM PCI 
card. And my kernel config as follows:

# ATM Devices 
device atm
device hfa

# options NATM
# ATM Related Settings ...
options         ATM_CORE                #core ATM protocol family
options         ATM_SIGPVC              #SIGPVC signalling manager
options         ATM_IP 

Can you point a way to correct this situation. I can use the following command 
till ifconfig ..

# ATM Ayarlari - Basla
/sbin/fore_dnld -d /etc
/sbin/atm set netif hfa0 ni 4
/sbin/atm attach hfa0 sigpvc

/sbin/ifconfig ni0 netmask up

and it just dumps and reboots. The error message is follows:

Nov 18 08:47:55 nrouter savecore: reboot after panic: ipatm_nifstat: setaddr 
missing ip_nif
Nov 18 08:47:55 nrouter savecore: writing core to vmcore.1

If needed I could supply additional data, also.

Thanks in advance.

Husnu Demir.

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