Hi there,

I'm trying to have our VPN users authenticated using a Freeradius server 
requests to our LDAP server. All 's working fine for IPSec but with CHAP 
(PPTP) I'm getting the following error and - soon after that - a core 
dump (!):

modcall[autz]: Group at line 674 returns ok
   rad_check_password:  Found auth-type CHAP
   auth: No password in the request
   auth: Failed to validate the user.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Now, I 've seen some hints on how to setup all this but it seems 
something either
changed or it's not yet ready: the FAQ, for instance, is citing a CHAP 
module to put
into the authorize{} section of the radiusd.conf file but I can't see 
any chap module
around and the closest thing - the rlm_mschap - does not contain a 
method for

Am I missing something obvious or this is a known problem ?

Please, put me in CC since I'm not on the list.

Thanks a lot.

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