Dear Bruce, Kevin and others,

Thank you for your fast reply. Sorry, to tell you Kevin, that the new
tcl-script does not work either, the same error occurs, using the
alpha-version (October release). In the last mail I was meaning the colour
of the surfaces in tksurfer (e. i. red-green and grey).

In the moment I am still frustrated by converting the SPM-maps to the
freesurfer format. Doug has suggested a solution in a mail last October. He
proposed to convert the Cor T1 volume to analyze, than co-register it with
the func images (I used the mean image of the epis, because I did not
acquire an T1 data set in the functional space), create an register.dat file
by spmmat2register and than convert the spm statistical output (do one have
to change in spm_write the format from uint8 to float?) with mri_convert.
Also every step lokk fine, by overlaying the statistical map to the T1
image, the functional activation appears totally warped i. e. you cant
foresee any activation pattern (I already change the format from little
endian to big endian because the analysis were made in windows) Do I have to
swap them?. For this reason I change the strategy, in state of mri_convert I
used spmbfloat. Also the slices increased from 68 to 95 (standard spm output
79*95*68, 2*2*2mm, Origin 40, 57, 26) the overlay looked correct. By
manipulating the restiger.dat file I was able to change the translation
parameters slightly so that the statistical map fitted the anatomical one
(it's a pity that one can not load bfloat-format in the tkregister). The
problem is that the voxel of the overlay are a little bit too large. I tried
to resize them by changing the values of the diagonal line in the
register.dat file. As you can expect, it does not work proper.

Does anybody have a solution for overlaying the spm data on the freesurfer
data or see any mistakes in the described way?

Thank you again,


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