Hi Bruce,

Tried the downloading the mris_convert from 
surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu:/space/outgoing/fsdev and again doing:

mris_convert -c ./lh.area lh.orig lh.area.asc

(after renaming the old lh.area.asc file).  However the output is the 
same, as far as I can tell.  Here are the first 8 lines of the newly 
created lh.area.asc file:

000 -9.50000 -97.50000 -23.50000 161.92000
001 -10.50000 -97.50000 -23.50000 0.00000
002 -11.50000 -97.50000 -23.50000 163.20000
003 -7.50000 -97.50000 -24.50000 0.00000
004 -8.50000 -97.50000 -24.50000 162.88000
005 -9.50000 -97.50000 -24.50000 0.00000
006 -10.50000 -97.50000 -24.50000 162.88000
007 -11.50000 -97.50000 -24.50000 0.00000

Still has 0.00000 on every other line.  Clearly something is wrong.  Any 
ideas what might be the trouble, and/or what we could try next?

Also, what are the units for these average area numbers?  I assume they 
are very small.


On Thursday, June 13, 2002, at 07:46  PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:

> you should convert the patch to ascii using mris_convert -p and get the
> vertex #s from the ascii file. Also, I think you must have an old 
> version
> of mris_convert (as every other area is 0, which it certainly shouldn't
> be). Try taking a new one from
> surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu:/space/outgoing/fsdev.
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Tom Schoenemann wrote:
>> Thanks Bruce,
>> A few more questions:
>> On Thursday, June 13, 2002, at 03:00  PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>>> Hi Tom,
>>> the mris_convert command line for converting curvature files is a bit
>>> arcane (my fault). You need to specify that it is a "curvature" format
>>> file
>>> with the -c option, and which one you want, but then you still need an
>>> input surface in order to read it. So, from the surf directory you 
>>> could
>>> do:
>>> mris_convert -c ./lh.area lh.orig lh.area.asc
>>> the values in the file lh.area.asc will then be the surface area of 
>>> each
>>> vertex.
>> Here is the first few lines of the lh.area.asc file that we created 
>> this
>> way:
>> %more lh.area.asc
>> 000 -9.50000 -97.50000 -23.50000 161.92000
>> 001 -10.50000 -97.50000 -23.50000 0.00000
>> 002 -11.50000 -97.50000 -23.50000 163.20000
>> 003 -7.50000 -97.50000 -24.50000 0.00000
>> 004 -8.50000 -97.50000 -24.50000 162.88000
>> 005 -9.50000 -97.50000 -24.50000 0.00000
>> 006 -10.50000 -97.50000 -24.50000 162.88000
>> 007 -11.50000 -97.50000 -24.50000 0.00000
>> This doesn't match what the manual states should be the output (see
>> below).  I assume that the first number of each line is the vertex
>> identifier.  The next 3 are, I'm guessing, the X, Y, Z coordinates for
>> that vertex.  Is the last number the average area of the triangles that
>> meet at that vertex?  If so, what are the units?  And why do all the 
>> odd
>> numbered vertices have 0.00000 as their last number?

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