
there is a new release of the matlab eeg-toolbox/mri-toolbox available via

This release incorporates a new mesh_shrinkwrap function (alpha release) for
generating a surface from an Analyze MRI volume.  If given the Analyze
version of the original input to freesurfer (eg, mri_convert -oid 1 0 0 -ojd
0 1 0 -okd 0 0 1 orig orig.asc), it will output a scalp in the same space as
the freesurfer cortex asc file (created by freesurfer command,
mris_convert).  It is possible to use the FSL BET program to get a skull
from volume from this orig volume, which can be tesselated also.  Please see
the mesh_3shell_script for an example of this process.

This release also updates the mesh plot functions, to provide overlays and

For recipients who would like to hear about or discuss releases of this
toolbox, please subscribe to the eeg-users email list.  This will be the
last announcement for this toolbox that will be sent to related email lists.
I sincerely apologise to regular users of these lists and their
administrators for this 'off-topic' announcement, but I hope the
distribution of these tools might benefit other users of scan, freesurfer,
spm, fsl, etc tools.  All communication related to this matlab toolbox will
hereafter be conducted in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All the best with your work.

Kind regards, Darren

Darren Weber, PhD Student
Cognitive Neuroscience, School of Psychology
Flinders University of SA, GPO Box 2100, Adelaide, SA 5001, Aust.
Ph:  (61 8) 8201 3889, Fax: (61 8) 8201 3877

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