Hi All,
I am interested in being able to do parametric analyses with the cortical thickness data (e.g., one patient group, one control group, and a t-test for each registered vertex similar to Rosas et al. 2002).
I have completed the process of fixing topology, sphering, and registering. I can export the thickness data into ascii using mris_convert -c thickness surf/rh.white surf/rh.thickness.asc. However, I am interested in exporting the "registered" thickness values, so all participants vertices and thickness measures are aligned with the atlas. I tried to use: mris_convert -c thickness surf/rh.sphere.reg surf/rh.thickness.asc, and although it seemed like a good idea, it didn't work. It yielded the same values as the mris_convert command using rh.white or rh.pial.
***What is the command to get at the registered values. When registered, I am assuming that for example, vertex number 120000 is at the same xyz for all the subjects-is that true?
After obtaining the registered values, I assume the next step in the processing flow is to import the data into a program like SPM or AFNI or even SPSS or Excel for analysis.
***What program would you suggest using for this?
I was able to import the ascii data for a participant into AFNI by using 3dUndump -prefix thickness_fim_data -master anat_geometry_forsubject+orig -xyz rh.thickness.asc. You have to delete the leading column identifying the number of the vertex, and when you "see function" in the AFNI controller, it overlays the thickness values onto the "master" anatomical. It is misaligned and 3dUndump does not like decimals and negatives so you end up with only one quadrant of data, but It still looks cool!
Thanks for all of your help.

Brian C. Schweinsburg
University of California, San Diego
Phone: 858.642.3736
Fax: 858.552.7432

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