Perhaps you will be happy to have some feed-back on the fsa-20020724 
(using csurf : I dont know the command line, lack of doc).

tkmedit works pretty well,
tksurfer doesn't want to display anything, but give the messages :
env tksurferinterface=csurf patchname=occip.patch.flat 
/fmri/apps/fsa-20020724/bin/Linux/tksurfer -Lambik lh inflated -tcl 
ltMNIread: could not open file 
No such file or directory
Reading /fmri/apps/fsa-20020724/lib/tcl/tkm_wrappers.tcl
Successfully parsed tksurfer.tcl

(I dont use the talairach's, but it's not the pb I suppose).

"view functionnal data" works more or less, but no activity is displayed 
on the flat patch -successfully loaded.
the pb comes mainly that no interface is given, so no action can be done 
to load stats.

it gives :

/fmri/apps/fsa-20020724/bin/Linux/tksurfer -Lambik lh inflated  -o 
-fthresh 0  -fslope 0.3  -fmid 0.5  -truncphaseflag 0  -invphaseflag 0  
-scalebarflag 1  -colscalebarflag 1 -patch occip.patch.flat
setting fthresh to 0.0000
setting fslope to 0.3000
setting fmid to 0.5000
setting truncphaseflag to 0
setting invphaseflag to 0
setting scalebarflag to 1
setting colscalebarflag to 1
displaying patch occip.patch.flat...
ltMNIread: could not open file 
No such file or directory
MRISreadValues: File 
not found

No such file or directory
surfer: current subjects dir: /Malta1/freesurfer/Subjects
surfer: in new (APD2) format "scripts" dir
surfer: session root data dir ($session) set to:
surfer:     /Malta1/freesurfer/Sessions/LambikNRretinotopy/image
surfer: /Malta1/freesurfer/Subjects/Lambik/mri/T1/COR-.info
surfer: Talairach xform file not found (ignored)
surfer: vertices=17708, faces=35420
surfer: ### File 
could not be opened.
surfer: curvature read: min=-0.730000 max=0.570000
Reading /fmri/apps/fsa-20020724/lib/tcl/tkm_wrappers.tcl
Successfully parsed tksurfer.tcl

So  folder pb, plus the -lh.w and -rh.w are missing in the script.

I'm working a linux RH7.2 release. the freesurfer-alpha release works, 
and the older version 33i with radiobuttons pretty well.


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