In attempting to use the "surface-stats" button to
see functional overlay, in the "View Functional Data"
option, this error is generated and tksurfer does not start:

'Error: can't read "scandirpref": no such variable.'

The stack trace is at the end of this message if that helps in locating
where the error was generated.

Also, an error is generated when using "volume-stats" regarding not
recognizing the -invphaseflag option. tkmedit ignores this option
and is able to display the functional data. It appears that the
current version of tkmedit does not recognize three options,
-invphaseflag,  -scalebarflag,  -colscalebarflag, that are used
by csurf to call tkmedit when using "volume-stats". This is not
a big problem but it does display an error before starting tkmedit.


Stack trace:
can't read "scandirpref": no such variable
    while executing
"set command "$bindir/tksurfer -$name $hemi $ext  -o $scandirpref
$env(FUNCTIONALS_DIR)/$session/$scandir  -fthresh
$renderscanlists($page,fthresh)  -f..."
    (procedure "surftestrender" line 82)
    invoked from within
    invoked from within
".setuppopup.ti.bu2.surftest invoke"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]"
    (procedure "tkButtonUp" line 7)
    invoked from within
"tkButtonUp .setuppopup.ti.bu2.surftest
    (command bound to event)

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