Re: problems with register.csh

2002-10-16 Thread Brian C. Schweinsburg

Hi Nick,

This might be occuring because you have a newer version of mri_convert that
does not support the -raw flag. You could use an older version with
register.csh or try using mri_motion_correct2 (i think that is the name).
The latter works really well, but you will need to install all of the MNI

check the archive for hints on mni installation.

good luck.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 1:00 PM
Subject: problems with register.csh


 I am trying to run register.csh (as per the FreeSurfer manual) to
 motion correct my anatomical scans before averaging them together.
 However, I get an error saying 'mri_convert: unknown flag -raw'
 (actual output below).  Unfortunately, I can't make out from the
 information what options to mri_convert should actually be used.


 Nick Knouf
 Lab Manager, Kanwisher Lab

 --- uninteresting data snipped --
 ++ CPU time for realignment=279 s
 ++ Min : roll=-0.285  pitch=-0.072  yaw=-0.997  dS=+6.359  dL=+2.301
 ++ Mean: roll=-0.285  pitch=-0.072  yaw=-0.997  dS=+6.359  dL=+2.301
 ++ Max : roll=-0.285  pitch=-0.072  yaw=-0.997  dS=+6.359  dL=+2.301
 ++ Writing dataset to disk in ./dset+orig.HEAD.
 ** Warning: will overwrite file regist.afni
 done registering
 rotating -0.285 -0.072 -0.997 6.359 2.301 9.563
 atr_int == NULL
 atr_flo == NULL
 mri_convert -raw 256 256 256 uchar /tmp/reg.res+orig.BRIK

 mri_convert: unknown flag -raw

 type mri_convert -u for usage


Re: Problems with csurf (tksurfer)

2002-07-11 Thread Bruce Fischl

one workaround is to use tksurfer.static, which will be slower, but
should work.


On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, Nicholas Knouf wrote:

 I'm having problems running tksurfer on a couple Linux machines (they are
 running a modified version (MIT athena) of RedHat 7.1).  Here is the
 output of the log window:

 env tksurferinterface=csurf patchname=
 /raid-5/new_fs/freesurfer_alpha/bin/Linux/tksurfer -010719ao rh inflated
 -tcl /tmp/TmpTclSurf.3275
 Couldn't create output file
 .xdebug_/raid-5/new_fs/freesurfer_alpha/bin/Linux/tksurferltMNIread: could
 not open file
 No such file or directory
 tksurfer.tcl: startup done
 Window type not found!
 surfer: current subjects dir: /raid-5/time/reconstructions
 surfer: in subjects scripts dir
 surfer: session root data dir ($session) set to:
 surfer: /mit/nklab-5/time/reconstructions/010719ao
 surfer: /raid-5/time/reconstructions/010719ao/mri/T1/
 surfer: Talairach xform file not found (ignored)
 surfer: vertices=126867, faces=253728
 tksurfer: interface: /raid-5/new_fs/freesurfer_alpha/lib/tcl/tksurfer.tcl
 tksurfer: run tcl script: /tmp/TmpTclSurf.3275
 surfer: single buffered window
 surfer: curvature read: min=-1.54 max=1.19

 The surfer tools window shows up, but no output window appears with
 the inflated brain.  This is for a subject that we have not yet

 However, when I run csurf (and tksurfer) on the same subject on machine
 that has an earlier version of RedHat (ie, MIT athena) installed,
 everything works perfectly.

 The only difference in the log files between the two machines (of course
 ignoring the tmp files) is the line (for the machine that doesn't work)
 Window type not found!.

 Now, it would be impossible for me to describe all of the differences
 between the two RedHat versions here (since MIT changes the default
 distribution radically when releasing new versions of Athena); however,
 the only relevant difference I can discover between the two systems is a
 difference in TCL-TK versions.  For the system where tksurfer works, it
 has TCL-TK version 8.0.5 installed, while for the system where tksurfer
 doesn't work, it has TCL-TK version 8.3.1 installed.  Do you know of any
 issues between these two versions of TCL-TK that might cause this problem?
 Or is there any clue in the log file that you might be able to use to
 point me in a new direction to look?


 Nick Knouf

Re: Problems

2002-04-23 Thread Bruce Fischl

Hi Felix,

check the fov field in the files in the subject's mri/orig and
mri/T1 directories. It should be 0.256, but for some reason is sometimes is
set incorrectly. As far as the volume/surface problem, the problem is
usually the other way (okay in tkmedit, no good in tksurfer), so I'm not
sure what's going on.


Bruce Fischl   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mass. General Hosp. NMR
Rm. 2328, Building 149, 13th Street fax:(617)-726-7422
Charlestown, MA 02129   USA

On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Felix Blankenburg

 Dear Freesurfers!

 Does anyone know a solution for the following problem:  after running
 freesurfer I have to zoom in the surface every time for a few hundred per
 cent to see it correctly in the display window (i. e. how to save the
 surface size)? An other problem is, when I try to overlay a statistical
 parametric map (SPM99) in 2D (i. e. in tkmedit) it looks misplaced whereas
 in 3D ( i.e. in tksurfer) it looks fine. Is there any possibility for a
 correct transformation in 2D or is it intended? Is there any possibility to
 change the colour of the surfaces?

 Thank you very much for your help and best greetings,
 Felix Blankenburg