On 11/27/2009 12:59 AM, ovvenkat wrote:
> Hi MC,
> I have created won sample application yesterday, It was working fine. 
> Today, I checked that my local ip has changed. so, I changed the 
> domain(IP) name in sip-account settings in my x-lite configuration. 
> After that  x-lite is not able to register with FS. I am getting error 
> like "Registration error 405 : Method not Allowed ". Could you please 
> tell me ,why its happening ?

Wait, what?

First, don't re-use an existing thread, messages have a tendancy to get 
ignored/lost that way.

Did the IP of your FS change, or of your PC?

I would expect "local ip" to mean your DHCP'ed address from your 
Internet connection. That should have no bearing on the IP of your FS. 
Go find your FS and make sure *IT* is still on the IP you expect it to 
be on.

If your PC running x-lite is also your FS, you may have other issues 
with IP address changing that I don't know how to handle, as I've only 
used static IPs for FS. (Or, try connecting via localhost, 
instead, until you're ready to really start using FS.)

Andrew Thompson

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