Help with SDF Rendering

2022-08-26 Thread Stephan B . via FreeType users
Hi! I would like to get more information on how to set the spread for SDF Rendering. Can you provide a simple example of that? Next, I am also trying to render SDF from glyph outline. Using FT_Load_Glyph(m_Face, glyphIndex, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); And then

COLR V1 Support & FT_Load_Glyph

2023-05-17 Thread Stephan B . via FreeType users
In version 2.13.0, is FT_Load_Glyph supposed to be able to load color glyphs using the COLR V1 format? If no, are there plans to add such support or are we expected to manually handle such cases? For reference, I am able to load color glyphs using an older version of the