If the truth did matter there is very little evidence of it.
Quite often a viewpoint from the empowered is sufficient.

We seem to have done pretty well thinking the earth the center of the
Knowing the truth seemed to be reason enough to end up in the market square
to be incinerated.

The Group decides what is true. Consensus Truth on the one hand and
Emotional Truth on the other are the only choices.
The emergence of alternative truths to satisfy the many solipsists is an

We sell cars to people who need a mobile platform for their cell-phones and
A coffee cup holder may not be enough soon a car will show up with an
espresso machine.

Robot butlers and robotic chauffeurs in the ultimate version. 

Selling or marketing technology  claiming it  will elevate one's status,
while serving as auxiliary memory prosthetic devices.
The cell phone removes the burden of remembering phone numbers and you can
have a photo for faces you forgot.
The new growth industry may well be machines that will speak for us
performing in a selected Stage style.
Shakespearian or perhaps Rabelaisian affectations.

Can we synthesize Basil Rathbone in a Sherlock Holmes-ian style.
Technology has a nasty side effect of making us stupid and proud of it.

Without extremists who risk immolation the human race would still be
cracking nuts with a rock.
The failure of extremists to cohere is no doubt a trait that allows  every
extremist to think 
s/he is the only competent member of a group. Such people are often Control
Freaks who use the talents of others 
to advance socially or monetarily. There are control freaks and there are
gifted people.
Control Freaks are  a bit like a Prima Dona without the talent.

A control freak joins teams simply to garner status and acclaim. Resume
padding. Or in more advanced cases the goal is to acquire the IPR's.
Team projects do not often succeed because of conflicts between aspiring
control freaks.
The way Boeing worked on the 747 development seems a marvel or high note of
Perhaps Lockheed had it right by developing the Skunk Works system
deliberately excluding
most managers but very extreme.
The ethics are an entirely different issue.


-----Original Message-----
From: Friam [mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com] On Behalf Of Marcus Daniels
Sent: July-18-15 9:05 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

"But the point I was trying to make with those 3 articles still stands: that
people who join communities for community's sake are not necessarily only
drags on, disrupters of the system.  They provide something like a dampening
baffle that traps and eliminates the noise of the extremists, the purposeful
missionaries.  In fact, without _enough_ of that sort of "middling" or
"joiner", a project is more at risk when/if extremists fail to cohere.  And
I think this is true in open source projects as well as proprietary ones."

Right, but from the missionary's point of view, the truth is out there, and
if one project dies another will fill its place..  It is the truth that

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