Snipped off the Register (, worth checking out 

Craft guilds answer to techno-exploitation

 The Internet could see workers scurrying to Medieval-style guilds
 for protection, according to Government-appointed crystal ball

 The Department of Trade and Industry's (DTI) Future Unit outlines
 two possible scenarios on the effect that technology will have on

 First up, is the Wired World, a Utopian vision where everyone is
 online and many people are self employed... rather like readers of
 The Register. 

 The alternative is Built to Last, depicting a future where large
 corporations control the knowledge of their staff with incentive
 packages and so on... rather like employees of ZDNet. 

 The DTI futurologists say the outcome will be a mix of the two, but
 admit they don't know which will be the dominant work style. 

 The Wired World model will have important implications for
 employees, who will increasingly need to protect their work. 

 As the role of the government declines, unions, community groups
 and professional associations could stand in for large employers to
 protect the interests of large groups of freelance workers,
 according The unit. It describes this as a parallel to medieval style

 "If Wired World becomes a reality, we might expect these types of
 activity to expand." the Future Unit says. The new guilds would
 have to be financially self sustaining: probably through "a
 combination of membership levies and service based income". 

 In other words, they will be like Unions (except that union is a dirty
 word in Tony Blair's Britain). 

 Do we really want to see the return of craft guilds? Do we want a
 world where the International Wibbly Webbly Wobblies evolve into
 the new freemasonry (the first sprang from stonemasons craft
 guilds)? A world where there are rules about what colour clothes
 you can wear, depending on your occupation. 

 A world where you pay your master for the privilege of getting an
 apprenticeship -- and then work for nothing for seven years, a
 world where everyone in the same occupation has to live alongside
 each other in the same district -- a world like -- God forbid -- made flesh. ® 
 Err, anyone know what is, by the way?

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