Title: FW:  The profit motif knows no conscience

This posting is from Graffis and re-posted from EnviroScan:

   Coal consumption in the U.S. has risen almost 16 percent since 1992,
   says a report by the Environmental Working Group and the U.S. Public
   Interest Research Group (USPIRG).


Coal used for generation of electricity has a lot of nasty byproducts.  I find it interesting that despite Kyoto and (the name eludes me at the moment) the big global warming seminar in South America, I believe in 1992 on George Bush's watch in which the US refused to sign, we are now seeing the blatant effects of lobby groups for the coal industry's gain coming home to roost.  Lest my American friends think I am picking on them, we in Ontario are about to embark on increased coal use also under the current neo-con government of Mike Harris.

Many older coal burning power plants
   were exempted from Clean Air Act standards. When Congress deregulated
   wholesale electricity sales in 1992, these old plants became more
   profitable because they compete with more recently built plants
   required to install pollution control equipment.


Clearly stated - profitable - need more be said.

The report, "Up In
   Smoke," looks at federal data on 446 power plants across the nation,
   tracks the use of coal plants since the 1992 Energy Policy Act was
   passed, and calculates the resulting smog and global warming
   pollution. Increased electrical generation at coal burning plants
   emitted 755,000 tons of nitrogen oxide pollution and 298 million tons
   of carbon dioxide in 1998. By increasing coal generation, eight large
   utility companies, American Electric Power Company, Cinergy
   Corporation, Dominion Resources Inc, Duke Power Company, Edison
   International, The Southern Company, Tennessee Valley Authority and
   Associated Electric Coop each emitted as much smog pollution as one
   million cars.


Lest the eye skim read too quickly, note the statement, "each emitted as much smog pollution as one
   million cars."  Now, let's see 8 x 1,000,000 + 8 million!  Not mentioned was whether this was per year or over the 7 year period of 92 to 99.

 Increased smog pollution from Illinois, West Virginia,
   North Carolina, Missouri, Indiana and Georgia power plants each
   equaled that from two million cars.


Whoops, 6 x 2,000,000 + 12 million plus 8 million = 20 million car equlivalents - Now that's a lot of cars and that's on helleva lot of pollution.

"This summer, tens of thousands of
   Americans will go to emergency rooms due to smog," said Rebecca
   Stanfield, clean air advocate for USPIRG.


Let's see, " tens of thousands" is pretty vague, are we talking 10 thousand or 90 thousand.  Oh well, a thousand here or there is just another number, unless you happen to be one of them gasping and wheezing and being frightened out of your wits that you may have caught some terminal disease.  However, it is so comforting to know that the power utilities have turned a nice profit and that the Health Care system professionals are overworked and doing better than ever - for those who have insurance, that is.   

 "It's time for Congress to
   protect public health by closing the loopholes allowing old coal
   plants to pollute our air."
                                   * * *


Thomas Lunde

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