Keith, thanks for this post.  Although it may be obvious, and therefore for
others not worth mentioning in print, let me say it:
This small iota illustrates why FW is valuable, resourceful and interesting.
It would be impossible to glean this much wide-ranging, general and detailed
information singly or in cooperation with a few like-minded, educated or
experienced individuals.

My hat is off to its originators, maintainers and participants.

I've just begun to read "Globalization and Its Discontents" by Joe Stiglitz
and although I am finding that my own stumblings towards understanding,
such as the above, are very much in line with the eminent economist, I am
wrong about the staff of World Bank. On page 24, he writes:

"While both [World Bank and IMF] have teams of economists flying into
developing countries for three-week missions, the World Bank has worked
hard to make sure that a substantial fraction of its staff live permanently
in the country they are trying to assist; the IMF generally has only a
single "resident representative" whose powers are limited."


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