I'm testing on fvwm3 1.0.4 and was finding that after an Android
Studio upgrade it no longer displays a title, due to a _NET_WM_NAME
containing "EN DASH" and that WM_NAME is blank.  Looking around other
programs also fail to display the best title mostly due to "EN DASH"
or "EM DASH".  FiconvUtf8ToCharset has "ISO-8859-15" for to_cs for me.
After much digging I found `BugOpts TransliterateUtf8` which now
displays the titles I would expect.  I'll accept having a wrong length
dash in exchange for having a title, or for Firefox displaying the
page title, or for GIMP displaying the filename or a number of other
programs displaying the program name.

I'm wondering about source code changes to improve the out of box
experience for fvwm?  The specification says to use _NET_WM_NAME in
preference to WM_NAME, and the trend seems to not keep WM_NAME up to
date if they even bother to populate it.

What are the options for dealing with these newer programs and their
unicode titles?  Set TransliterateUtf8 to be enabled by default?
Another option is //IGNORE to skip characters that don't convert, but
to me that's an even worse option.  I was originally thinking as a
solution for Android Studio is to try the _NET_WM_NAME without
transliterate, if it fails, and it doesn't have a WM_NAME, to convert
again with transliterate.  But then Firefox and Gimp would not display
the current page or filename.

xprop |grep WM_NAME
_NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "appactions-fitness-kotlin \342\200\223 
FitSliceProvider.kt [appactions-fitness-kotlin.app]"

WM_NAME(STRING) = "Mozilla Firefox"
_NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "fvwm window manager title blank - Google Search 
\342\200\224 Mozilla Firefox"
Firefox 91.4.0esr 64-bit Mozilla Firefox for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

WM_NAME(STRING) = "GNU Image Manipulation Program"
_NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "[better_title_please] (exported)-30.0 (RGB color 
8-bit gamma integer, GIMP built-in sRGB, 1 layer) 938x750 \342\200\223 GIMP"

xprop |grep WM_NAME
WM_NAME(STRING) = "Calendar "
_NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "Calendar  \342\200\224 KOrganizer"

xprop |grep WM_NAME
_NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "System Settings"

"If set, the Window Manager should use this in preference to WM_NAME."

David Fries <da...@fries.net>

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