On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 07:06:05PM -0500, Jonathan Kotta wrote:
> I have the style 'Style "Buddy List" Sticky' to make Pidgin's buddy
> list window sticky.  It used to work, but it hasn't for many months (I
> rarely restart, so it doesn't bother me much, but today it did).  I
> can reproduce this with a minimal config (e.g. just the above Style
> command).  So I started an FvwmEvent to run the following function on
> add_window events:

[ Coming back to this rather later than I planned to...]

What's the status of this, Jonathan?  Does it still happen?  Can you verify
this using the CVS version of FVWM with the same version of pidgin you

-- Thomas Adam

"It was the cruelest game I've ever played and it's played inside my head."
-- "Hush The Warmth", Gorky's Zygotic Mynci.

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