> In the tests I'm calling the function GetFdWidth() twice for every
> module, which may incur in a bit overhead..
> There's a global var called fd_width. I don't know if I should use the
> it instead, but supose it should be removed.. I've also considered the
> use of a static global var to improve performance.
> On the other hand, in this case we don't care for the number of
> maximum opened fds - if the number is too big then the open pipe call
> will fail. What we want is the max fdset size, so maybe we can just

That's what GetFdWidth() does, but the fd_width variable is there
for exactly this reason.  I see the code is a mess now.

** Remove fd_width in fvwm.c and GetFdWidth() in libs/System.c.

** Add a global variable and a function to fvwmlib.h:

     extern const fd_set_size_t fvwmlib_max_fd;
     void fvwmlib_init_max_fd(void);

** Define both in libs/System.c:

     const fd_set_size_t fvwmlib_max_fd = (fd_set_size_t)-9999999;
     void fvwmlib_init_max_fd(void)
       /* init fvwmlib_max_fd with code from old
        * GetFdWidth() function. */

** replace "fd_width = GetFdWidth();" in fvwm.c with

** Use fvwmlib_max_fd everywhere.

** If you are bored, do the same in all the modules :-P

> So what's the best solution?
> About the fd_width global, it is used for the select calls. I don't
> know if it's better performance-wise to ask for the whole range of
> possible pipes (like now) or keep the record of the bigger pipe fd..

Of course it would be faster during the select() calls, but input
is relatively rare.  I don't think keeping a sorted list of open
module fds woulb be justified.  After all, the fdset is just a
relatively small bit field, not megabytes of memory.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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