On Sun, Aug 27, 2006 at 08:51:13PM +0200, Viktor Griph wrote:
> What is the reason to send the parent window in a map request if it's not
> root? This may cause a window to disappear if it were first unmapped, and
> then mapped again if fvwm did not reparent it back to the root window 
> before
> destroying the old parent window (which will be the new window sent to add
> window in that case).

I don't actually understand what you are trying to say.
MapRequest ewvents are not sent by fvwm but generated by the X
server and sent to fvwm.

> Is there anything that makes using the xmaprequest.window uncunditionally
> for all MapRequests?

> Or should the unmap nofify handler check for pending
> map requests of the window before destroying it in the first place?

No, see my reply in that other thread.

Can you please try to explain your question again?


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


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