On Sun, Aug 03, 2014 at 12:59:46PM +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 02, 2014 at 10:12:22AM +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > On Fri, Aug 01, 2014 at 10:04:51PM +0200, Walter Alejandro Iglesias wrote:
> > > On Fri, Aug 01, 2014 at 05:25:40PM +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > > > And I also noticed that if I define a MiniIcon style for the
> > > > window and run the scripts too, the mini icon is displayed on top
> > > > of the real icon.  I wonder if that's a bug or if it's a secret
> > > > feature that I could not find in the documentation yet.
> > >
> > > The function I've posted?  Well the aim is to get something similar to
> > > what MacOSX does.
> >
> > Oh, that's something your function does.  I didn't even read the
> > image processing functions.  :-)
> >
> > > Let me explain the whole history.  I borrowed the
> > > idea from here:
> > >
> > > http://zensites.net/fvwm/guide/advanced_functions.html
> > >
> > > And combined it with what I've read in the fvwm.org FAQ:
> > >
> > > http://www.fvwm.org/documentation/faq/#toc_7.18
> > >
> > > Note that Thomas put two versions in the FAQ, the first using
> > > DestrowWindowStyle and the second using SetEnv.
> >
> > Actually, it was me who put Q7.18 into the FAQ.  I cannot remember
> > who wrote these functions in the first place, though.  ;-)
> >
> > > I got the thing working (the function I've pasted in my second message),
> > > I simplified a bit the pipe commands (used just import) and instead of
> > > icons like the guy of the first site did I used mini icons at the top of
> > > the thumbnail.  The result I got was:
> > >
> > > http://roquesor.com/Downloads/fvwm_desktop.png
> >
> > Nice.
> >
> > > The problem came because, time ago I'd borrowed from some place (I don't
> > > remember from where) a ShowDesktop function, I modified it a bit too:
> > >
> > > DestroyFunc ShowDesktop
> > > AddToFunc   ShowDesktop
> > > + I SendToModule FvwmAnimate pause
> > > + I All (AcceptsFocus, CurrentPage, Iconic, State 1) RestoreDesktop
> > > + I TestRc (Match) Break
> > > + I All (AcceptsFocus, CurrentPage, !Iconic, !State 1) ThisWindow State 1 
> > > True
> > > + I All (AcceptsFocus, CurrentPage, !Iconic, State 1) Thumbnail
> > >                                                       ^^^^^^^^^
> > >                                                      (replaced with 
> > > Iconify)
> > > + I SendToModule FvwmAnimate play
> > >
> > > DestroyFunc RestoreDesktop
> > > AddToFunc   RestoreDesktop
> > > + I SendToModule FvwmAnimate pause
> > > + I All (AcceptsFocus, CurrentPage, Iconic, State 1, !Focused) Iconify
> > > + I All (AcceptsFocus, CurrentPage, Iconic, State 1) Iconify
> > > + I All (AcceptsFocus, CurrentPage, State 1) ThisWindow State 1 False
> > > + I SendToModule FvwmAnimate play
> > >
> > > Thumbnail was too slow for this function, the idea is ShowDesktop to be
> > > instantaneous.  Hence I put here "Iconify".  I forgot DeThumbnail
> > > function :-), FvwmEvent reseted the icon each time the application was
> > > de-iconified that's why the icon setted in styles worked just the first
> > > time and the IconOverride was ignored.
> >
> > Oh, I see.  MoveToDesk should work better and faster and not
> > trigger any unwanted application behaviour on iconification:
> >
> > --
> > addtofunc showdesktop
> > + i all (currentdesk, !iconic) movetodesk 42
> >
> > addtofunc restoredesktop
> > + i gotodesk 42
> > + i all (currentdesk) movetodesk -42
> > + i gotodesk -42
> > --
> >
> > The restoration function is a bit complicated because at the
> > moment you cannot say "all (desk 42) ..."; you can only check for
> > the current desk.  Note that sticky windows are not affected.  If
> > that is necessary, you would have to unstick them, store their
> > "sticky" status in one of the windowstate flags and restore their
> > stickyness in the restoredesktop function.  I'm to lazy to do that
> > now, but if you would like to see how to do that, just ask.
> Wow! Sorry, for butting in, but is there a link where all this is
> explained for the layman?
> I've tried reading the man page - not easy! :(

Being me a layman too I ignore how all this functionality was added to
FVWM.  I agree that to be really accessible it should go with a book
analog to "The C Programming Language" by Dennis Ritchie :-).

Start like me, cutting, pasting and using your intuition.


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