I am delighted to award the SUAP (Supremely Unorthodox Artistic
Prize) to Keith C Ivey.

There never was any doubt in my mind as to who made me laugh the
most during the entire tournament. It was Keith, locked away in
his laboratory like a mad scientist, writing all sorts of data
and code generators to help him solve a tricky problem in a
clever way. He remained true to his xor approach to the very end.

That I really didn't understand what the hell he was doing was
indicated by his continuous oscillation on the leaderboard as
he kept finding flaws in previous solutions.

I must also applaud Keith for his meticulous attention to detail
in always choosing his variable names and delimiters for maximum
artistic impact.

I would also like to thank everyone for their very interesting
unorthodoxy write-ups. I enjoyed reading them very much!


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