Hello Everyone,

I have noticed that, to customize whether a metric is to be shown as graph
or as constant value inside 'Host Overview' section, are determined by
slope value, where 'zero' indicates to show on host overview and other
values('both'/'positive' etc) indicates to show on graph section. Now*, how
I can tell to just store a metric without showing it anywhere, so that I
can use it on a separate graph, which might aggregate more than one metric?*

Also, to customize a graph, as I noticed that, metric need to be named as
'*_report' and the front-end php file inside 'graph.d' need to be named
*_report.php . *Can it be customize in some other way, so that I don't have
to rename a metric to be able to customize its graph?*

HPCC Systems Open Source Big Data Platform from LexisNexis Risk Solutions
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