After searching and testing different options, I am breaking down and asking for help :)

Background: Running MacOSX 10.4.5, Ganglia 3.0.2 (verified gmond -v and gmetad -v), rrdtool version 1.2.12

I am just trying to test this on a local machine, but am running into problems.

1) Running gmond on test machine
Tested with 'telnet localhost 8649' and the XML output looks good and I get values for the various <METRIC> 2) Running gmetad on test machine. After creating the rrds path (/ var/lib/ganglia/rrds) and changing ownership of rrds folder to nobody, I get no errors on launching gmetad. Tested with 'telnet localhost 8651' (or port 8652) I get the the XML output, but No Grid Data between <GRID></GRID>
        Also, NO RRDS files are created.

Of course if I edit the config.php and get the web interface running, I am getting no data or plots (obviously)....

However, if I run gstat -a I do get the data I would expect. But when I run anything with gmetric I get nothing (no errors no output....). Of course I might be doing gmetric wrong, so here is what I tried.

        'gmetric -n mem_free -v mem_free -t uint32'

I am at a loss of how to continue to debug this problem. Running interactively (both gmond and gmetad) are not displaying anything that jumps out at me.

Any ideas on where to look or how to debug?


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