Hi,   I am running ganglia v3.1.7, when I bring up the web page,  I see all the 
graphs but on the graphs instead of text, I see boxes, some problem with the 

 Here is the story (short version :-)).   I built ganglia on system 1 with a 
prefix '/ngs/app/lisd'  and am now deploying on another system under 
'ngs/app/lispmont'.   There is no option here to create a user lisd in system 2 
and cannot rebuild with prefix 'ngs/app/lispmont'.   I see these errors in the 
apache log file.   the pango.modules path seems to be embedded in the shared 
libraries.  Is there any way to override them and why is it saying no fonts 

(process:15564): Pango-CRITICAL **: No modules found:No builtin or dynamically  
loaded modules were found.
PangoFc will not work correctly.
This probably means there was an error in the creation of: 
You should create this file by running:
  pango-querymodules > '/ngs/app/lisd/gangliafortest/pango-1211-deploytar/etc/pa
ngo/pango.modules'Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file

(process:15564): Pango-CRITICAL **: No fonts found:
This probably means that the fontconfig
library is not correctly configured. You may need to
edit the fonts.conf configuration file. More information
about fontconfig can be found in the fontconfig(3) manual
page and on http://fontconfig.org
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