
is it possible to spoof data into ganglia without the node timestamp
(REPORTED="...") being updated?

I'm asking because I gather and measure external quantities eg. power,
fans, temperatures, infiniband bandwidth, ... but if I push these into
ganglia indiscriminately then down machines always show up as being
alive (eg. in gstat) as they are still getting the external data updates.

I can hack around the problem for slowly changing quantities by
deliberately not spoofing for machines that have an old REPORTED time
(and so are probably dead), but this requires spoofing at a very slow
rate which is >> the 'dead' time of 30s or a minute.

however if I have lots of quantities being spoof'd asynchronously, or
(in the case of IB bw/pkts) one quantity that changes very rapidly,
then I can't crank up the rate...

so I think it's usually/often the desired behaviour that the timestamp
not be updated for spoof'd quantities.

is that possible at the moment?
I'm not sure what tmax/dmax do, so maybe they can do it?


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