Good Morning!

Wiki and archive searches aren't quite getting what I'm looking for. The 
gmetad.conf tells me the difference between "cluster" and "grid," based on from 
what type of daemon I'm getting statistics. However, it doesn't say anything 
about naming the ~local~ grid.

- I have 70 hosts in 6 irregularly sized clusters. The gmond on each host 
points to the "lead" gmond for its particular cluster.
- A single infrastructure host runs gmetad to gather statistics. gmetad.conf 
has data_source entries for each cluster.

Looking at the ganglia web PHP/RRD, I can see each cluster in the 
http://<hostname>/ganglia/ overall page. At the top of the page is the 
"unspecified Grid" that is the sum of the hosts and CPUs in those clusters. How 
do I change "unspecified?" Do I have to fake a data_source to localhost?


David - Offbeat
dafydd - Online
Battalion 4 - Black Rock City Emergency Services Department


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