No life is complete without a touch of madness. - Paulo Coelho (Living life to 
the fullest @ OM)

Paulo Coelho said, "There are moments when you must be prepared to take a risk 
to do something crazy."

More quotes by Paulo Coelho
(Click above for the bigger image)

Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy. - Anne Frank 
(Positive thinking @ OM)

Quoting Marilyn Monroe,
 "Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile 
(Click above for the bigger image)

Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a 
ripple with no logical end. - Scott Adams (Kindness @ OM)

Scott Adams is right, kindness is a ripple with no logical end ... we do not 
know where and how it will go. Just as this true story shared by Emmanuel 
Joseph; someone gave him an act of kindness 10 years ago, and that powerful 
lesson stays with him for 10 years and finally after 10 years, he was able to 
pay it forward and let the ripple continues. So Scott was right, wasn't him? 
But I believe Emmanuel has been keeping this kindness ripples propagating all 
along. Read Emmanuel full story here
(Click above for the bigger image)
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